Source code for explauto.agent.agent

import logging
import numpy as np

from ..utils.config import make_configuration
from import Observable
from ..utils import rand_bounds, bounds_min_max
from ..exceptions import ExplautoBootstrapError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Agent(Observable): def __init__(self, conf, sm_model, im_model, n_bootstrap=0): Observable.__init__(self) self.conf = conf = np.zeros(self.conf.ndims) self.expl_dims = im_model.expl_dims self.inf_dims = sorted(list(set(conf.dims) - set(self.expl_dims))) self.sensorimotor_model = sm_model self.interest_model = im_model # self.competence = competence self.t = 0 self.n_bootstrap = n_bootstrap @classmethod
[docs] def from_classes(cls, im_model_cls, im_model_config, expl_dims, sm_model_cls, sm_model_config, inf_dims, m_mins, m_maxs, s_mins, s_maxs, n_bootstrap=0): """Initialize agent class :param class im_model_cls: a subclass of InterestedModel, as those registered in the interest_model package :param dict im_model_config: a configuration dict as those registered in the interest_model package :param list expl_dims: the sensorimotor dimensions where exploration is driven in the interest model :param list inf_dims: the output sensorimotor dimensions of the sensorimotor model (input being expl_dims) :param class sm_model_cls: a subclass of SensorimotorModel, as those registered in the sensorimotor_model package :param dict sensorimotor_model_config: a configuration dict as those registered in the sensorimotor_model package :param list m_mins, m_maxs, s_mins, s_max: lower and upper bounds of motor and sensory values on each dimension """ conf = make_configuration(m_mins, m_maxs, s_mins, s_maxs) # = np.zeros(self.conf.ndims) # self.expl_dims = expl_dims # self.inf_dims = inf_dims sm_model = sm_model_cls(conf, **sm_model_config) im_model = im_model_cls(conf, expl_dims, **im_model_config) return cls(conf, sm_model, im_model) # # self.competence = competence # self.t = 0 # self.n_bootstrap = n_bootstrap # self.state = np.zeros(self.conf.ndims)
[docs] def choose(self): """ Returns a point chosen by the interest model """ try: x = self.interest_model.sample() except ExplautoBootstrapError: logger.warning('Interest model not bootstrapped yet') x = rand_bounds(self.conf.bounds[:, self.expl_dims]).flatten() return x
[docs] def infer(self, expl_dims, inf_dims, x): """ Use the sensorimotor model to compute the expected value on inf_dims given that the value on expl_dims is x. .. note:: This corresponds to a prediction if expl_dims=self.conf.m_dims and inf_dims=self.conf.s_dims and to inverse prediction if expl_dims=self.conf.s_dims and inf_dims=self.conf.m_dims. """ try: if self.n_bootstrap > 0: self.n_bootstrap -= 1 raise ExplautoBootstrapError y = self.sensorimotor_model.infer(expl_dims, inf_dims, x.flatten()) except ExplautoBootstrapError: logger.warning('Sensorimotor model not bootstrapped yet') y = rand_bounds(self.conf.bounds[:, inf_dims]).flatten() return y
[docs] def extract_ms(self, x, y): """ Returns the motor and sensory parts from a point in the exploration space (expl_dims) and a point in the inference space (inf_dims). """ ms = np.zeros(self.conf.ndims) ms[self.expl_dims] = x ms[self.inf_dims] = y return ms[self.conf.m_dims], ms[self.conf.s_dims]
[docs] def motor_primitive(self, m): """ Prepare the movement from a command m. To be overridded in order to generate more complex movement (tutorial to come). This version simply bounds the command. """ return bounds_min_max(m, self.conf.m_mins, self.conf.m_maxs)
[docs] def sensory_primitive(self, s): """ Extract features from a sensory effect s. To be overridded in order to process more complex feature extraction (tutorial to come). This version simply bounds the sensory effect. """ return bounds_min_max(s, self.conf.s_mins, self.conf.s_maxs)
[docs] def produce(self): """ Exploration (see the `Explauto introduction <about.html>`__ for more detail): * Choose a value x on expl_dims according to the interest model * Infer a value y on inf_dims from x using the :meth:`~explauto.agent.agent.Agent.infer` method * Extract the motor m and sensory s parts of x, y * generate a movement from m :returns: the generated movement .. note:: This correspond to motor babbling if expl_dims=self.conf.m_dims and inf_dims=self.conf.s_dims and to goal babbling if expl_dims=self.conf.s_dims and inf_dims=self.conf.m_dims. """ self.x = self.choose() self.y = self.infer(self.expl_dims, self.inf_dims, self.x) self.m, self.s = self.extract_ms(self.x, self.y) movement = self.motor_primitive(self.m) self.emit('choice', self.x) self.emit('inference', self.y) self.emit('movement', movement) return movement
[docs] def perceive(self, s_): """ Learning (see the `Explauto introduction <about.html>`__ for more detail): * update the sensorimotor model with (m, s) * update the interest model with (x, y, m, s) (x, y are stored in in :meth:`~explauto.agent.agent.Agent.production`) """ s = self.sensory_primitive(s_) self.emit('perception', s) self.sensorimotor_model.update(self.m, s) self.interest_model.update(np.hstack((self.m, self.s)), np.hstack((self.m, s))) self.t += 1