Source code for explauto.environment.diva.diva

import os
import pymatlab
from numpy import array, hstack

from ..environment import Environment
from ...utils import bounds_min_max

from .config import diva_path

[docs]class DivaSynth: def __init__(self, diva_path, sample_rate = 11025): self.session = pymatlab.session_factory()'path(\'' + diva_path + '\', path)') self.session.putvalue('sr', array([sample_rate])) diva_path = os.path.abspath(diva_path)['path(\'', diva_path, '\', path)'])
[docs] def execute(self, art): self.session.putvalue('art', art)'[aud, som, outline] = diva_synth(art, \'audsom\')') self.aud = self.session.getvalue('aud') self.som = self.session.getvalue('som') self.vt = self.session.getvalue('outline') return self.aud, self.som, self.vt
[docs] def sound_wave(self, art): self.session.putvalue('art', art)'sr = sr(1)') print self.session.getvalue('sr')'wave = diva_synth(art, \'sound\')') return self.session.getvalue('wave')
[docs] def stop(self): del self.session
[docs]class DivaEnvironment(Environment): def __init__(self, m_mins, m_maxs, s_mins, s_maxs, m_used = None, s_used = None, m_default = None): Environment.__init__(self, m_mins, m_maxs, s_mins, s_maxs) self.synth = DivaSynth(diva_path) self.m_default = m_default if m_default is None: self.m_default = array([0.] * 10 + [0.7] * 3) # Neutral position with phonation self.m_used = m_used if m_used is None: self.m_used = range(13) self.s_used = s_used if s_used is None: self.s_used = range(4) = self.m_default # 13 articulators is a constant from diva_synth.m in the diva source code
[docs] def compute_motor_command(self, m_ag): return bounds_min_max(m_ag, self.conf.m_mins, self.conf.m_maxs)
[docs] def compute_sensori_effect(self, m_env):[self.m_used] = m_env res = self.synth.execute(,1))[0] return hstack(([self.m_used], res[self.s_used]))
[docs] def sound_wave(self, art_traj): synth_art = self.m_default.reshape(1, -1).repeat(len(art_traj), axis=0) synth_art[:, self.m_used] = art_traj return self.synth.sound_wave(synth_art.T)