Source code for explauto.environment.simple_arm.simple_arm

import numpy as np

from ..environment import Environment
from ...utils import bounds_min_max

[docs]def forward(angles, lengths): """ Link object as defined by the standard DH representation. :param list angles: angles of each joint :param list lengths: length of each segment :returns: a tuple (x, y) of the end-effector position .. warning:: angles and lengths should be the same size. """ x, y = joint_positions(angles, lengths) return x[-1], y[-1]
[docs]def joint_positions(angles, lengths): """ Link object as defined by the standard DH representation. :param list angles: angles of each joint :param list lengths: length of each segment :returns: x positions of each joint, y positions of each joints, except the first one wich is fixed at (0, 0) .. warning:: angles and lengths should be the same size. """ if len(angles) != len(lengths): raise ValueError('angles and lengths must be the same size!') a = np.array(angles) a = np.cumsum(a) return np.cumsum(np.cos(a)*lengths), np.cumsum(np.sin(a)*lengths)
[docs]def lengths(n_dofs, ratio): l = np.ones(n_dofs) for i in range(1, n_dofs): l[i] = l[i-1] / ratio return l / sum(l)
[docs]class SimpleArmEnvironment(Environment): use_process = True def __init__(self, m_mins, m_maxs, s_mins, s_maxs, length_ratio, noise): Environment.__init__(self, m_mins, m_maxs, s_mins, s_maxs) self.length_ratio = length_ratio self.noise = noise self.lengths = lengths(self.conf.m_ndims, self.length_ratio)
[docs] def compute_motor_command(self, joint_pos_ag): return bounds_min_max(joint_pos_ag, self.conf.m_mins, self.conf.m_maxs)
[docs] def compute_sensori_effect(self, joint_pos_env): hand_pos = np.array(forward(joint_pos_env, self.lengths)) hand_pos += self.noise * np.random.randn(*hand_pos.shape) return hand_pos
[docs] def plot_arm(self, ax, m_, **kwargs_plot): m = self.compute_motor_command(m_) x, y = joint_positions(m, self.lengths) x, y = [np.hstack((0., a)) for a in x, y] ax.plot(x, y, 'grey', lw=2, **kwargs_plot) ax.plot(x[0], y[0], 'ok', ms=6) ax.plot(x[-1], y[-1], 'sk', ms=6) ax.axis([self.conf.s_mins[0], self.conf.s_maxs[0], self.conf.s_mins[1], self.conf.s_maxs[1]]) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y')